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Poet, priest, spiritual director, yogī, healer, scholar and teacher of religion, Western and Eastern esoterica, indigenous Gaelic lifeways, meditation, and contemplative spirituality: chanting old rebel tales; tracing back song-streams of ancient wisdom; ferrying souls on the mythic riverways of human transformation; guiding folk from all walks of life back to their birthright of wholeness and freedom in the great ecology of spirit.

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The central aim of my work, in all its iterations, is to help restore individuals and communities to wholeness: to facilitate a felt experience of reciprocal blessing, conscious interbeing, and harmonious relationality in the great family of Nature, toward the one most needful end of the blossoming and liberative illumination of every soul.


I regularly give lectures, presentations, workshops, and retreats on a variety of subjects, including theology, mysticism, and theurgy in Western and Indo-Tibetan traditions; animism; meditation and contemplative practices; ancient Celtic myths, cosmologies, rituals, customs, and folklore; ecology and religion; Eastern and Western images of the sacred feminine; non-duality in the methods of religious inquiry; esoteric symbology and praxis in Catholic Christianity. If you’re interested in booking me for a lecture, workshop, or other event, please use the contact page here to email a request.

I hold terminal degrees in poetry and theology, an undergraduate degree in literary theory and folklore, and am presently a candidate for the PhD in religion. I presently work in chaplaincy and retreat leadership, and in private practice as a spiritual director, teacher, writer, healer, and meditation instructor. I am a certified clinical Western herbalist, and also have professional certifications in bodywork, prānāyāma (breathwork), and therapeutic hypnosis. I am a priest of the Episcopal Church, founder and principal teacher of The Communion of the Mystic Rose, a Western Mystery School and fellowship of contemplative practitioners. I was previously ordained as a Buddhist monk in 2003, and am currently ordained as a Vajrayāna yogī (ngakpa) in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism.

In my work as a teacher, writer, healer, and spiritual guide, informed by the fruits of long labor and study in the spiritual life, I aim to help individuals and communities inhabit fresh (and often ancient) stories, to experience new depths of listening from the heart, to shed old narratives that are limiting and life-negating, and to learn to embody approaches to life and spirituality that empower and facilitate restorative, holistic, unitive, and life-giving transformation—for the good of the human community and the whole of Nature.


I wish you all health, clarity, and peace. May you always walk in wisdom and beauty,

and bring honor to your ancestors.

With every blessing of Earth, Sky, and Sea,

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An t-Athair


Portland School
of Herbal Wisdom

Certified Advanced

Clinical Practitioner (2018)

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Certified Practitioner

of Acupressure & Reflexology

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